The Requested Chat

Chatroom: kryteers, secretstealer, mysteryMWAhha, huggythepugno.1, COOKIEcrumbs789, iamablackpug789, princessqueen456, sadadog, gates123, sandyiscool999, belluvsawesome, violetpetluvah, cattygurlrulz, kanaboxer
cattygurlrulz: v? are you here? bel, you 2?
belluvsawesome: here, yah. I can understand why you are friends with some of the dogs here!
cattygurlrulz: you can?
sandyiscool999: I can understand why you like Bel…
secretstealer: bel, what did you do behind my back?
belluvsawesome: nothing, I swear. I like ton make new friends. don’t you?
sadadog: Catty, how do you like home?
cattygurlrulz: it’s fine.
gates123: princess, SACA?
princesqueen456: I am on task one- but I just couldn’t refuse this chat request! 🙂 The leader, SACA Cat is really sweet, but one of the Cats mewswhisker is MEAN! 😦
huggythepugno.1: snort.
princessqueen456: what?
kryteers: whisker… instead of PAW? silly!
princessqueen456: I can scratch, you know!
iamablackpug789: we know. you literally ripped out my eyeball!
COOKIEcrumbs789: mine, too! remember… it was so funny, I was almost with one eye, instead of two.
kanaboxer: yup! SOO… funny! I don’t want you to have only one eye!
sadadog: some of us might…
gates123: what do you mean, SADA dog, by that?
sadadog: nothing!
huggythepugno.1: um, well- so I have an announcement!
kanaboxer: DON’t!! I read your post!
COOKIEcrumbs789: I did too!
mysteryMWAhha: what? you still go on that blog?
COOKIEcrumbs789: yeah, I just read their posts n secrets (HA!)
secretstealer: good job, cnc!
sadadog: that’s not nice!
sandyiscool999: but bel said otherwise…..
secretstealer: sandy and bel? what’s up with you two? I have to know why you are both whispering and giggling like crazy! it hurt me 😦
belluvsawesome: sorry!
sandyiscool999: I second that! Sorry!
huggythepugno.1: please- stop! I have an announcement- I’m going to leave SADA!
sadadog: what?!!!!!
kanaboxer: huggy- no! make your decision later!
cattygurlrulz: yeah, huggy- no! life back here is boring! you can’t miss the fight!
kanaboxer: yes, huggy no!
gates123: leave? why- is it ’cause of me?
princessqueen456: I like SACA- but I’m not leaving you- or SADA!
iamablackpug789: our best secret agent- my best friend- gone?
huggythepugno.1: sorry- I just can’t.
kryteers: why? why? why do you wanna leave? I’m not saying it’s bad- I like it, but I wanna know- curious of me!
mysteryMWAhha: what made you change your mind?
kanaboxer: it was me.
sandyiscool999: KANA?!?
violetpetluvah: really?!?!
kanaboxer: I told huggy today that the gang needed space.. and we weren’t friends, and Huggy’s now mad and wants to leave 😦
iamablackpug789: you won’t, right, huggy? and kana? I’m at a loss for words!
kanaboxer: I regret it too. I shouldn’t have said anything.
gates123: oh well.
kanaboxer: thanks, gates. you understand-
gates123: no, what? I said oh well to Wronklette- we are also chatting!
huggythepugno.1: wronk o lay? back to her? kana’s right!
kanaboxer: I’m not!
sadadog; huggy I’ll give it to you till tomorrow to think, ok?
huggythepugno.1: ok
kryteers: SAY NO! SAY NO!
mysteryMWAhha: best secret agent- gone, ha! too petty for them!
secretstealer: so? they deserve to lose one! we don’t!
kryteers: already 3459 dogs! come on- we’re wasting our time here!
COOKIEcrumbs789: i’ll come in a sec!
secretstealer: great! come on!
COOKIEcrumbs789: guys, n dogs? bye!
belluvsawesome: see you, CNC!
huggythepugno.1: good luck and thanks for the post!
kanaboxer: I second that! thanks!
COOKIEcrumbs789: no prob!

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