Back to the US part two

Plane rides are no fun.
I mean, really.
You sit cooped up in a seat, no being able to sleep or lay down. The only thing I do is read, for about seven hours. (Or more!) The rest I’m trying to sleep. I see no purpose in that, because I never fall asleep. It’s so noisy, the vroom vrooming of the plane, the echoing screams of the babies and the conversations circling around you.
I like reading.
No no. I LOVE reading. It rules! So I half don’t mind planes…expect their food stinks, you don’t have a comfy seat and you can’t sleep. The trip always leaves me super tired and all I want to do is sleep. But no matter how hard I try I just can’t fall asleep. It’s near impossible. (Okay, fine it IS impossible!)
So the plane trip wasn’t very exciting.
But I missed my dad so much…..
After reading for a while, I felt ready to try to sleep. That did not work out. So I just placed my head on a pillow and sunk into thoughts of being back in the US.
I missed it so much. Everything was so…… known. Like, I knew were everything was, I had all my stuff, my paperback books and my comfy bed.
I knew this unexciting trip would be worthy it. To be back home.
I kept checking the time. Time to destination: 3:32 minutes, my screen read.
I buried my face in my pillow. Uh. I read a bit, then went to the bathroom and ate a dinner of broccoli and fried chicken. (The food was not gooD!:) )
Time to destination: 2:21 minutes, the screen read.
Now maybe I could lay down….

to be continued…… Back To the US part three

Back To the US part one

It was time to get back to the US.
We had a totally normal breakfast (Aww! I was hoping to wake up at three or four!) and woke up at the normal time.
My cousin drove us to the airport, an hour and a half long. I settled with a good book on my nook.
It seemed like a bad luck cloud striked when our cousin got caught by a police officer for a ticket….
Oh uh. That was totally not good news!
“Let’s bet on how much he’s going to pay!” My mom suggested. “I’ll start. 200 zloty (polish money. 3 zl=1 dollar)!”
“350 zl!” I cried! It could be possible, right? Or not.
“500 zl,” my sister suggested, with a simple shrug as if her answer was believable.
My aunt just widened her eyes and stared ahead.
My mom slightly opened the door so we could hear the conversation, but the voices were too muffled to hear.
“I’ll be back we just need a talk,” my cousin said, walking away with the police officer.
We waited and waited…..and waited………..and waited…..
It was super annoying, but at last our cousin came.
“Only 50 zl!” he cried.
None of us were right.
So our journey continued……we arrived and ate a nice mozzarella and cheese lunch….. than it was time for baggage check…..then for our luggage to go….and time to say good bye. My eyes filled with tears.
“Good bye!” I called to my aunt, hugging her. I squeezed her tight. I felt like crying and I did.
But our journey continued.
It was soon time to head onto the plane.

to be continued………in Back To the Us part two

The Terrifying Fall

The day was the last time I was going horse back riding before going back to America.
Our new teacher, Krysia promised us the last time to gallop. My sister and I loved galloping so it would be good to do it this year, too.
“Do we have to wear a vest?” I complained with my sister, since it was a stifling hot day. The thick vest made me sweat and was quite pointy.
“You do, remember what happened to Nina? She fell of her horse on cement without the helmet and vest. It is for protection,” my mom replied.
This time my pretty aunt had decided to join the trip and was smiling at me.
I sighed. Bust still, I put on the vest and headed for the stable to get a bat. “What horses are we riding?” I asked my sister. She shrugged and headed to ask Krysia, who was saddling a horse. “Excuse me, what horses are we riding today?” my sister politely asked. Krysia gave a smile. “Maya and Frank,” she replied. My heart sank. Maya again?????????? Seriously. I wanted a different horse so bad……
Tears filled the brims of my eyes.
“I’ll ride Maya,” I said, my throat tightening.
My sister gave me a look, which said she was upset as I was.
Still. this was our last ride. Didn’t we enjoy some enjoyment?
In a matter of minutes, our horses were ready.
I climbed atop of Maya, my legs swinging over the tired horse.
I sighed, grabbing the reins and asking another girl to fix my stirrups for them to fit my size.
I trotted over the ring were the horses were.
My sister went before me, like always and I trailed her.
I think one of those brown horses was first…. then Herecules.
Then my sister, I, and a girl riding on Emma.
My sister wants to ride Emma super bad. So I could see why Emma was a good horse.
We started with a walk, it was calming and nice.
It sped to a trot. The trot was easy and smooth, not super hard.
I felt like it was going to be a good time. Especially that we were going galloping! Galloping is so fun… the wind rustling and rustling… feels like you are flying on a horse. I love that feeling. It feels like being free.
“Okay, time for gallop. You two go into the circle please, the rest you gallop!” Krysia indicated to the girls on Herecules and Emma who headed with a sigh to the middle of the ring.
My sister, another girl, and I were ready to gallop!
We started at a trot, but something weird happened.
Maya went to the circle…..
I was confused and was trying to steer her to the road. But she ignored my commands. “Hit her with a bat! Show her who’s in charge!!!!” Krysia was crying at me.
I, confused, started to steer Maya and hit her with a bat.
I could tell she didn’t like that.
She stayed on the road awhile, steadily starting to gallop until I saw a bug.
Maya bolted super fast, jeering a super sharp turn. I screamed of surprise, letting the reins go and my feet fell out of the stirrups.
Everything seemed to stop then.
I heard shouting, screaming, but suddenly my head hit the ground.
Everything seemed like a dream.
Krysia ran over to me, and picked me up. I saw Maya standing near Frank, Herecules and Emma.
My sister was rushing to me, screaming and shouting, “Are you okay? Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” I said. I Was fine.
My side hurt a bit, but other than that everything was fine.
I saw my mom meddling and trying to open the gate.
I could tell she was worried.
“I jumped of Frank while he was galloping to get to you!” my sister cried, rushing to give me a hug, but there was a pale expression on her face that did express she was scared.
I gave her a weak smile.
“Okay, time to get back on Maya!” Krysia cried, leading me to Maya who was standing.
I took a deep breath and climbed atop of her, trying to pretend everything was normal. But it wasn’t. I fell and everyone had seen me.
I gulped, but walked on Maya.
I hope I never, ever again have to fall of a horse.